Make a 'my first year book' for your child

Telling your baby about his first year of life in twenty years is fun, but it becomes even more fun and lively if you can show a my first year book with it. Browse all those special moments together, such as the first smile, the first steps and the first words.

You keep a my first year book for your baby fanatically in the first year of your baby's life. That can be quite a bit of work, while you also want to enjoy your child as much as possible. At Baby Diaries, we've designed software to make it as easy as possible for you.

What is a my first year book?

In my first year book you record all the events from the first year of your child's life. Such a book is also called a 'milestone diary' of baby's first year. You can write the lyrics as if your baby is telling the stories, or from your perspective as a parent. A first year book is of course not complete without cute photos and mementos that you can stick in between. Which in any case belongs in a my first year book:

• The birth of your baby.

• The first time your baby smiles at you.

• Your baby's first crawling attempt.

• The first tooth to erupt.

• The first bite your baby eats.

• The first babblings and words your baby speaks.

• The loving looks that family members and friends throw at your child.

The first year of your child's life is full of such milestones and that is exactly why you want to record them in a my first year book.

Examples of a my first year book

A my first year fill-in book

In the shops you will find ready-made fill-in books in which you can fill in the highlights from your baby's first year. A nice idea, but we find it limiting. Because: where should you put all those other stories and photos from that first year? We therefore prefer a personalized my first year book than a fill-in book for baby's first year.

You determine the layout in a personalized my first year book. Do you opt for a lot of text, or for a lot of photos? Or do you alternate depending on what best suits the milestone? You also choose the layout of the texts yourself, which immediately makes the book more personal.

Full-page photo in Baby Diaries' baby diary

Tips for the contents of your baby's first year book

Keeping a baby's first year book is easiest if you write at set times. Write down when something big happens and, for example, look back on the past weather every Friday. What developments has your baby gone through? Why did you laugh or cry and what did you or your partner recognize? Also take a picture of your baby every week, so that you can nicely record his/her growth in the book. At the back of the book you can place all these photos side by side and be amazed at how quickly that first year flew by.

An online baby first year book

At Baby Diaries you can easily create your baby's first year book online. That way you always have enough pages in your book and no empty pages in the back. You don't have to go to extra trouble to have your photos printed, but you can load your best photos directly from your phone into your book. You can easily update your baby's first year book at a quiet moment in your day, whether you're on the bus or in your rocking chair. You can also easily personalize such an online first year book and have it printed multiple times, so that the family also has a copy.

Screenshots of the Baby Diaries software

This is how you make my first year book easy and fast with our software

Making a first year book is very easy with Baby Diaries.

Step 1: create a Baby Diaries account

Create an account via our website or the Baby Diaries app for iOS or Android. Think of a title for your book, such as "my first year" or the baby's name.

Step 2: write stories for you my first year book

Within minutes of signing up, you can start writing stories in your book. Choose how much space should be reserved for text and images. Don't be afraid to write too much, because your book can be up to 298 pages thick. Describe in chronological order all the events between the birth and the first birthday. Your stories are automatically saved to the cloud so they don't get lost in grabbing baby hands.

Typing stories in the Baby Diaries editor

Step 3: personalize your baby book

In our software you have full control over the look of your book. Not only can you choose the layouts yourself, you can also determine the fonts and text colors yourself. This way you can completely personalize your book and you don't have to stick to boring standard layout.

Step 4: add photos and empty boxes notes to your baby book

Add the best photos to your stories directly from your phone or computer. This way you keep an overview and at the end of your baby's first year you don't have to search through thousands of photos for the right one. Take a picture of your child every week to record his/her growth and thus create a good overview of the first year. Insert an empty box where you want to paste cards and other mementos later.

Photos pasted in diary with empty boxes

Step 5: order my first year book as a printed book

There's nothing better than reliving your baby's first year with a printed book in your hand. That's why you can easily have your online book printed into a professional album. Choose a front cover for your book yourself and choose the desired format. Decide whether you want a hardcover or softcover and whether or not the paper should be glossy. Are you satisfied? Then click on 'order' and we will ensure that your book is posted within five working days.

Tip: for €5.95 extra we will also send you your book as a PDF, so that you can share it with family and always have it with you.

Sample printed first year baby book

Start your first year book now!

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