A baby milestones book for baby's first year of life

The first smile, the first tooth and the first word. A small selection of the many milestones from the first year of your child's life. Of course you never want to forget these moments and that is why you capture all baby milestones in a beautiful book.

While you are still slowly getting used to your life as a parent, your baby is going through great developments at a rapid pace. You will regularly feel surprised, proud and moved. 'I will never forget this' you think, but then the next milestones come and to-dos, work and other people occupy space in your head. In order not to forget these special moments and to vividly relive them later, capture them in a baby milestone book.

Tip: do you also want to record the milestones of your pregnancy? Make a 9 month photo book!

nine month book with Baby Diaries

Your Baby's Biggest Milestones

Your baby's biggest milestones include:

• The birth: how does it feel to hold and feed your baby for the first time?

• The first smile: There is little that makes you feel more loved than the first smile your baby gives you.

• The first word: Whether it's a whole word or a gibberish, you'll never forget the first time you hear your baby talk.

• The first tooth: suddenly your baby no longer has a toothless smile, make a tooth in the smile!

• Sitting up for the first time: suddenly your baby no longer needs you to see the world sitting up straight.

• The first holiday: you will experience your holiday completely differently with a little one.

• The first time standing and walking: the pride that shows on your baby's face and the realization that your baby will soon be exploring the whole house.

Baby milestones by month

Are you curious about which milestone you can expect in which month? Here's a summary:

• 0 months: you have your baby in your arms for the first time and you are feeding your baby for the first time. Your child learns to recognize your voice, smell and face.

• 1 month: a first smile appears on your baby's face and he/she starts thumbs up to comfort himself.

• 2 months: your child will study his/her environment with increasing focus, can lift his/her head further and further and learn to use his/her hands better.

• 3 months: your baby seeks more and more interaction with people and is increasingly able to push itself into a crawling position.

• 4 months: your child will want and be able to grasp more and more things and play with hands and feet.

• 5 months: your baby has more and more control over the position of his/her head and starts blowing bubbles.

• 6 months: you hear your baby babbling for the first time, see him/her turn around and feel his/her hands caressing your face.

• 7 months: your child learns to tiger and may be able to sit independently.

• 8 months: your baby is increasingly able to express himself/herself with sounds and gestures and responds to his/her name.

• 9 months: your baby may become a bit more ignorant and make his/her ideas about what is happening more and more clear.

• 10 months: your baby learns to kiss, crawl and babble more and more intelligibly.

• 11 months: you can communicate better with your baby. He/she can point to things and understand 'no'.

• 12 months: Your baby may say his/her first words, clap and point, and take his/her first bite. He/she may even be able to walk a few steps by now.

This is how you record a baby milestone

How do you capture a special baby milestone for later? The fastest way is of course shooting. Grab your phone, check focus and exposure, and snap a quick shot before the moment is over. To really save the moment for later, describe the situation in words. When did you discover this milestone and how did you feel then? What happened before and after that time? How did your partner, parents and/or friends react to this development? You can of course also keep mementos, such as the label of the jar from which your child took his/her first bite or congratulations cards from baby's first birthday.

Inside and outside of a baby book with Baby Diaries

Tip: use milestone cards for your baby

There are special milestone cards for your baby for sale. For example, these cards say 'I can sit' or 'I took my first bite'. These cards are available with many types of texts and designs. Choose a set that appeals to you and use these cards for the photos in your baby milestone book.

Easily create a baby milestones book

Collect all your photos, stories and mementos in one baby milestone book. You can do this conveniently with the Baby Diaries software, where you can use the app to immediately capture your moments on the go. How to design a baby milestones book:

Step 1: create a Baby Diaries account

Create an account via our website or the Baby Diaries app for iOS or Android. Give the book a tentative title and immediately update the first milestones in the book.

Baby Diaries software on different screen types

Step 2: Record all baby milestones in the book

Choose a layout that suits how much text and images you expect to have. Write about the milestone, add photos and possibly leave space where you can stick a memento later. Update your book instantly at every milestone so you don't forget a moment.

Step 3: personalize your milestone book

Special moments deserve a special book. That is why you can completely personalize the layout and texts in your milestone book. Choose your own fonts and colors for the title, date, location and main text. Add a beautiful cover photo and your book is completely in your style.

Step 4: order the book

You can of course store your baby's milestone book digitally, but it is even more fun to browse through a printed book. From 24 pages you can have your book printed in a professional manner. Choose the format, the type of cover (hard or soft cover) and the paper type yourself. Order your book and we'll make sure it's posted within five working days.

For €5.95 extra you will also receive your book as a PDF, so that you can view it on the go and share it with friends and family.

Printed baby book full of first milestones

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